Basically most the archer builds are viable, some more viable than others. If you want to PvE, I find Stone Arrow and Prime Evil work best. If you want to dungeon (depending on role) you have SA, PE and Oracle. If you are out on a pure PvP spree by yourself than shadow walker or PE are usually your best bet. If you are group PvP, it's really up to flavor between SW, SA or PE. Since late beta the Bastion build has been utterly hosed for any number of reasons, but it was a great build in Alpha.

Long and skinny of it is to upgrade to full Celestial Obsidian set and tier it up beyond tier 4. Serp your other three slots or make/buy Epherium or better Wave pieces. Secondary weapons are up to you, but I rock Sword + Shield or Daggerx2 depending on what I am doing. Your right side accessories is a problem all unto itself. Basically if you need more defense and health equip your shield and sword, if you want more DPS than go with two daggers.

First thing to get to Celestial or better is your Obsidian Bow and then tier that up to Tier IV or have the Tier III Hasla bow, I prefer the Obsidian route. Your other weapons are up to you on when in your cycle you want to get those slots addressed.

For your Obsidian gear, you want to regrade the Fists and Head slots first to Celestial or better and tier them up to Tier IV so you can choose the ranged critical damage boost over the melee damage boost. The other biggest return on value is the Jerkin and Legs for pure gear score and defense increase per slot (other than shield).

Beyond your base set of tier'd up Obsidian, its a time and gold game to upgrade from that into Celestial Epherium slot by slot (usually Wave) for your own Archer flavor.

Here is the best part of being an Archer though. It's one set of Leather for every build...

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!