They used the words State Guard in both articles but I am not going to take up for any news outlet. Could've been changed after the fact since all of them mostly copy and paste their stories from other major news outlets.

There really is no defending how he went about this though. If he wanted to stay informed then he could have and probably already was. Like you said, he most likely signed off on all the details. So sending a bunch of *old fat guys playing army* out to appease the crazies at a town hall wasn't even remotely a good idea. Rather insulting to our military and Texas if you ask me.

If they had plans on disarming Texas then they would need to bring a fleet of special force dump trucks just to haul off my neighbor's and my guns. laugh

He did this as a political stunt and it blew up in his face. He probably had good intentions but the news picked it up and spun this into a massive shit storm.

Last edited by Sethan; 05/05/15 08:46 PM.