Waiting until CIG gets to the point where 6 degrees of freedom is live in a Beta PU and to ensure they don't make a video game M&B rules all flight pew pew envelope. Once SC proves its going to actually be a true 6DF Flight/Space Sim and not some gimpy arcade kid game and they get to the point where the profiles for the HOTAS are supported fully and implementation of flight pedals, than I will break out my Saitek x52 Pro and buy the Pedals that go with it. That will be a glorious happy day and the beginning probably of my shut in phase b/c SC has turned out to be an amazing flight sim.

If you have something that works, just wait until we get way farther down the road and closer to a live PU to make a purchase decision. I allso want to see what V-IR and voice command is going to provide strong support for SC once we get closer to launch and if it really will provide flight advantage in the live pew pew.

Right now I am using my inexpensive Logitech 3D Pro and it does the job just fine for what they have programed in for flight envelope and 4DF of movement. Even the throttle control is working for thrusters once you get all the profile mapping down. High hat toggling and 10 buttons on the stick is about all ya should ever need. The only thing I use the voice command for is simple toggling of flight modes, weapons free vs weapons locked and system/power/shield mgmt swapping as needed.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!