No reason is needed, as I am acting HC of the faction and can revoke officer rights in the faction as I see fit; however, I will give you the reason, since you so politely asked:

Officer positions are for those who are regularly playing the game, regularly in voice, and regularly completing the duties needed of an officer. (ie. Running PvP raids, PvE raids, updating the guild roster/our new google doc when they invite members, and taking part in the regularly guild activities.)

The prior officer cadre was created by the former High Chancellor and as I am now leading the faction, I will be assigning new officers that can adhere to the above needs.

We do NOT have "many" temporary members in AA; we have 5 (the SL Sub), of which 3 are active. The rest are all either full KGB members, CSKY members, or PD members. All which make up KGB on the Archeage server and are all outlined on the officer Google Doc (that each guild lead/officer has access to), by name, alts, guild and rank. We have cleaned up the roster quite regularly over the past 6 weeks and have not had any new randoms.

Anyone not playing ArcheAge on a regular basis and taking part in guild activities, does not need an officer rank for the faction; it is that simple. We have seen in the past leaving AFK leadership only hurts a faction and as we have been extremely active the past week and have renewed interest in some, we will be doing what we can to continue to grow the faction properly.

No non-KGB members, regardless of Officer rank, have any authority over KGB Knights. (ie. CSKY Officers are for CSKY sub only; PD Officers are for PD sub only, SL has no officers.)

Current KGB Officers:

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