Healer builds are min/max by situation/application as is all the other major Archtypes.

For world PvP, I like the Templar.

For Dungeon/PvE, I like the Cleric.

The Oliphant is a good Main Healer but their survivability can be tough in both PvE and PvP situations b/c you have to really be on your timers to make sure you are getting healed as well as the MT/OT and DPS/Support.

Templar do shit for damage, but they are mega turtle tanks and have a decent degree of utility beyond just healing. Of the three, they have the least burst healing but the highest survivability.

Cleric is the super squishy, high utility, good burst healing option. Positioning and support are important to the Cleric to increase survivability. The Cleric is going to rely partially on the rest of the group/raid to ensure they stay up and bombing out anti-cc, cleanses and healing.

Also the gear/stat requirements are different for the builds so you might consider what you have now and how it fits into a new Archetype to reduce the time sink to get a new set of gear together.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!