My suggestion would be that we decide these things in this meeting.

1) KGB Faction: Open or Closed. State or Federal
2) ArchAge Faction: Elves N Furries or Menz
3) Leadership Decision
4) Number of individuals with Founders packs who will be active in the head start
5) Volunteers for core crafting duties to limit resource drain in the early game.
6) Housing groupings and the locations we want to target early
7) Numbers of players joining us after head start
8) Allies and Enemies, who and what side/faction ( I have some intel)
9) Early game strategy to maximize our head start and facilitate a strategy for KGB members joining us after head start
10) Group dynamics and class stacking

If we can get answers to these basic questions, I won't feel like this is an impending train wreck of "do whatever you want". In all fairness we have some people new to KGB who are joining us for AA. We as an organization owe it to them to show why we are KGB and not some other fly by night Clan.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!