The Q1 Q2 stuff is all just speculation that I'm sure you read from the DF forums. I use to troll them pretty heavily as well but have since backed off. Lots of people there will predict the worst, saying not till 2008, while many are just eager to play and will say the game is gonna be out tomorrow. But no one actually knows.

At this point all we know is that they had the goal of starting beta before 2007. Since then they have almost stopped the "real" updates and have been working hard core on development.

Obviously they've had us in a communication black out because they are busting their ass to try and reach their 2006 goal, but the question is, will they fail at achieving their own goal?

We wont have to wait long to find out. End of Dec is just about here so either we'll see a christmas miracle and beta will start (not that any of us will be in the first group selected) or they will fail at reaching their goal and probably start beta mid Jan or so.

"It's not enough to win... others have to lose."
-Stephen Colbert 'Colbert Report'
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