Originally Posted By: Lorddarka
2 things until critter resolves his ping issue in siege someone else need to take over for now. seond thing our communications were really bad during the push we had people trying to figure out if clans like thunder buddies and outriders were friend or foe.we found out afterthe fact they were foe. Also the whole thing was a big open field clusterfuk. Need to work on our organzation.

i agree with darka on many things said here
outriders where actually friendly and because we where taking part in a zerg tactics siege we where left in the dark on all friendlies and enemies
imo yesterdays siege was not where kgb should have been
zerging it up to get involved in someone elses siege will bring the enemy to your door very quickly
as well i dont think we need to be zerging with other alliance just cuz vamp lays a siege
it was disorganized and honestly if we wherent going to push on the siege stones we had no business being there
instead we pushed on a hamlet that wasnt live for 40 mins and wasted a lot of time and gear imo
supposedly die is going to help us at a siege if we need it so we have a favor to call on later
i took over soon as critter was pinging out i tried to keep us togather via waypoints which is the only way to do it honestly without landmarks
i would also very much like to get some knight captains going again i think it will help us a lot