Darkfall Unholy Wars Faction Launch Awards

There are many members of KGB that made our successful launch one of our best ever. There are many key members that made it possible and did the hard work throughout Beta. I would like to take the time to recognize these outstanding contributions to our organization that are more than worthy of the great investment that our membership has made over the last 16 years.

For our newer members and fans, KGB has a Hall of Fame system as well as an awards system that all members can take part in. Please see the KGB Armed Forces Page on the right column of the Oracle Portal Page for details. The forms to submit an award request are close by in the KGB FORMS section of the right column of the portal page.

The KGB Federal Leadership and the KGB Senate have authorized the following awards:

The KGB Guild Service Medal of Honor

Presented to (GM2/F5) Morlander, KGB Darkfall Unholy Wars High Chancellor

The people of KGB present High Chancellor Morlander with KGB's highest non-combat accommodation for exemplary service. Morlander decided many months ago to take the reigns of the DFUW faction, and did the hard work to organize our members, and lead the faction through a difficult Beta period, with many wipes and other challenges. During launch, he has been relentless in his pursuit of our success in this historic launch. Congratulations from all of us.

The KGB Guild Distinguished Service Medal

Presented to:
(GM3) Valaria, KGB Chief of Staff, KGB Federal Faction
(GM3) Heidi, KGB Crown Princess
Luxor, Clan Manager, KGB Darkfall Unholy Wars Faction

The people of KGB present High Chancellor Morlander with The KGB Guild Distinguished Service Medal for outstanding service to KGB and specifically its members. Both of these veteran members have dedicated all of their game time to equip members and building infrastructure for everyone in our organization to have the resources they need to succeed on the battlefield. This takes extreme patience and dedication. Congratulations from all of us.

The KGB Guild Service Medal

Presented to the following KGB Knights and Officers:

Dark Caesar

The people of KGB present The KGB Guild Service Medal to the individuals above that were key to our successful launch preparation and preparation in the Beta Test. This effort could not have happened without all of there dedication and exemplary service to all of us. We owe each of you a huge debt of gratitude. Congratulations from all of us.

Stay tuned for more announcements as we move forward in this promising KGB Faction effort in DFUW.

[Linked Image from w3.the-kgb.com][Linked Image from oracle.the-kgb.com]
Star Citizen Hanger:
RSI Javelin Destroyer, Hull E, RSI Constellation Pheonix, Aegis Dynamics Retaliator, Banu Merchantman
F7A Military Hornet Upgrade, F7C-S Hornet Ghost, F7C-R Hornet Tracker, Origin 325a Fighter