I was pleasantly surprised during the Siege on Saturday that my pc performed so well. I have an i7 but am still using an older card GTX 460 4 mg video card. I get 55-65 fps most places and was worried about the siege being a lagfest.

I had virtually no lag and my fps was consistently 40-45 in crowded fights with it never dropping below 35. There was one load issue that I saw with an elementalist appearing on top of me and my group out of no where but other than that it was smooth as butta.

A couple of things that KGB needs to do are to be more prepared for sieges, imo. Go bags and setting up Lt. or other junior officers to coordinate KGB groups could help. The entire server knew this siege was placed communication down the line at KGB seemed lacking. We had some issue mobilizing our forces with Critters attention on the command channel etc.

Good stuff though with Critter jumping into Mumble and taking charge of the event, I was in a group with the leaders of OTG at the time and stayed with them for a 2 hour siege run that saw us win or evade every battle and eventually bind stone recall our way home with a full group that lived the whole time. They had a lot of respect for Critter I could tell from the group chat I was in.

If you weren't prepared get your "go bags" ready, if you don't know what a "go bag" is ask. Also if you think you are Jr officer material step up we need positions filled now and in the future.