Pretty sad when you have to maintain a lobby to prevent an incompetent govt from screwing you over. This level of societal engineering is not possible to pull off correctly except by accident.

What I find interesting, is that so many MMO players dont realize these fundamental concepts. MMOs are typicaly created by extremely bright people, who also have complete control over the environ they create. Yet most get it wrong. Most good pvp systems came about by accident, and were later removed or altered because the devs were not able to wrap their heads around the qualities that actually made it good. Not because they were inherently stupid people, and not because they were malicious (though the mood on many forums would tend to disagree) but simply because even an artificial game is too complex to easily understand.

Even benign govt partaking of this level of engineering is a bull in a china shop. Motives are meaningless, if your solutions create more problems that they solve.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)