I have been thinking about the best strategy for crafting upon release given those that have an interest in the crafting grind, and the character accounts we have available. Here are some general theories I have...

1) There should be one major crafting skill per account. This is mostly due to how difficult it is to get the 10k prowess per crafting master skill.

2) Till someone hits 100 in their craft, all guild resources should be funneled to them. After they hit 100 the resources should then goto either who needs the prowess, or who is going to be the jr crafter for that skill.

3) The 2 guild purpose bartender accounts should focus on
- Armor smith.
- Weapon smith.

4) There should be one point person for each of the 4 main resources. This person should be responsible for calling the guild to action when running low on resources. These include: Iron Ore, Wood, Rawhide, and cotton.
I suggest:
Valaria- Iron Ore (Smelting)
Heidi- Wood (Woodcutting)
Luxor- Rawhide (Tanning)
Longshank?- Cotton (Weaving)

5) Other Major Crafting Skills
Leather working- Bondi
Tailoring- Need a volunteer. (Kerig?)
Bowyer- Valaria
Staff Crafting- Need a volunteer. (Hare??)

Shield Crafting- Need a volunteer. Since master shields are not in high demand, could be done eventually on a bartender account.

6) Important Craftings skills, but mastery not needed (immediately).
Alchemy... Since we do not need a master (unless able to make fine glyph) this can be done by one of the bartender accts.
Construction. (Bartender)
Engineering. (Bartender)
Shipbuilding. (Bartender)

6) Minor Crafting Skills
Mount Summoning. (Everyone, unless someone wants to take responsibility for ensuring wehave mounts in clan bank)
Cooking. Useless skill at this point. Potatoes are the bottleneck.

Over time the bartender accounts will be able to take on more of the crafting skills, but other then armor and weapons they should take on a jr or 2nd role for the other skills.

Here are some of my thoughts, please let me know where you agree, and disagree. For those roles where we need someone to step up and fill in slots, better to get it figured out now, then on release date.

If we do this right, and all work together, we should quickly have the best geared crew on DF2. This will allow all other member to just focus on getting their skills up, and enjoy the PvP fun with top level gear.

Last edited by Valaria; 02/15/13 05:32 AM.