I got my 10k in prowess last night, and now have master armorsmith, and able to make full plate. Our first full plate set is in the clan bank. Full Plate required 110 str.

The cost is:
950 gold, 168 ingots, 61 leather, 14 Selentine Ingots at 75% success.
Let me know how many sets of full plate to make, and val supply me with the sel ingots.

To make
-plate costs: 500 gold, 128 ingots, 45 leather
-banded costs: 250 gold, 64 ingots, 28 leather
-scale costs: 80 gold, 32 ingots, 16 leather
-chain costs: 10 gold, 16 ingots, 12 leather

We have all of these sets avail in bank.

Last edited by Luxor; 01/26/13 03:30 AM.