Originally Posted By: Derid
Silver was right... this time.


Nate Silver was also right in 2008 and 2010 (though everyone was for this one). He also preformed exemplary work for Baseball Prospectus before that. Regardless, my intention was not to reference him an oracular paragon, but instead to allude to the supremacy of hard, verifiable data over murky correlations. Otherwise, you've been very insightful throughout this thread.

Understood. I actually looked into Silver a bit lately, and he does know his shit. I guess the point I should be making, is that in the case of an election there are multiple ways to win and lose.

What the GOP has lost, is the "libertarian" middle. And point of note on the "small l". As in, those of us who generally think that Big Govt doesnt work and even makes things worse, and the problem is actually the spending of both parties. We normally lean GOP.. or did until Bush.

Because while we buy into the smaller govt message, we do not buy into the social aspects of what the GOP is peddling. So when Romney endorses NDAA provisions , and starts being vague about policy, and promises a doubling of military spending.. we back off on our support. Because we dont care if the Big Govt graft goes to Green Energy, Green Uniforms, or Green Money Lenders ( ie: alternative energy , military contractors, wall st banksters ) we just want the massive extraction of wealth from the private to the public and quasi-public/crony sectors to end. Or at least be contained back to reasonable levels.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)