KGB Knight Revco is receiving this honor for his efforts in the Guild Wars 2 Faction and dedication to KGB.

The KGB Distinguished Service Cross as proposed by KGB Knight Chaulootz
As presented by KGB Knight Chaulootz: Stepping into the vacuum of Combat Commander when Donkleaps isn't around. When Donk lost internet due to his PC, Revco stepped up as combat leader in our World vs World forays EFFECTIVELY leading any number of KGB against our enemies. Capable commander able to listen as well as lead. Was given one of the few commander books (Donk has other) to recognize his contribution in game, deserves something out of game to recognize his efforts.

KGB Knight Ribbons is honored for her efforts in the Guild Wars 2 Faction and dedication to KGB.

The KGB Guild Distinguished Service Medal as proposed by High Chancellor Donk Leaps

The KGB Service Medal as proposed by High Chancellor Donk Leaps
As presented by High Chancellor Donk Leaps: Award to Ribbons in the GW2 Faction, Excellence in service in the form of video crafting and fellow player assistance.

Combat award for being one of our current top 3 ele's. Watch the videos, pretty kick ass player IMO.

Please join me and raise your mugs to honor and congratulate KGB Knight Revco and KGB Knight Ribbons!

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