Our High King hasn't fought this hard for a long time, it's inspiring to see, he definitely showed me he still had some salt.

Everyone is starting to show coordination, what we need to keep in mind is that the squad leader is a position of responsibility and respect that, because without someone guiding and planning moves we will be no better then a mini zerg, last night we were crippled by a lack in numbers but we managed to secure a small foothold in some key areas, more could have been done, and we will always be at the mercy of bigger forces with all the key assets a standard convention force can bring to bare, but remember dying is nothing in this game, so keeping positive and continuing the fight is important. This game will always revolve around the idea of falling back and regrouping when a situation becomes unwinnable or hopeless. The main focus is not to get tunnel vision on one single objective because then you become farmable.

Setting down waypoints and spawn beacons is squad leader priority

Engineers tossing ammo packs, laying down mines and healing maxes is priority

Medics reviving anyone and everyone not just our squad, and healing everyone they can especially the engineers is priority

maxes are priority onto target capture points, don't get too hung up on attacking vehicles, your strengths always will be against infantry.

Heavy and light infantry priorities are in support of maxes, and should always be working toward a capture point as well.

Infiltrators should provide either sniper fire, or be hacking terminals for our use.

armor drivers priorities lie in maintaining armored support to infantry units and fending off other armored units

air units providing operational security to the area.

I am Wrath, I am Steel, I am the Mercy of Angels.
mors est merces mea – death is my reward
morte in vitam non habet tenaci - Death has no grip on Life.
[Linked Image from i.redd.it]