Originally Posted By: Drakiis
well there is four on the fence, which would give us 10, but in this game it's not about the individual but the team...

I have to agree completely with Drakiis.

Those who think this is just another Counter-Strike / BattleField game will last playing it ~ a couple weeks, to a month.

Playing PS2 (or PS1 for the most-part) solo is the equivalent of "running with the Zerg" solo in GW2. You will die repeatedly, curse the disorganization, and eventually leave out of frustration. You might get lucky, and run with a quasi-organized Zerg, but more often than not, you could become part of the cannon fodder endlessly ringing up Experience for the enemy. One person in CS / BF can make the difference, and win a map, but that is not the case in PS2.

Running with a communicative, organized squad/outfit turns this game from a frustrating, banging-head-against-wall experience to an enjoyable, productive experience.

- Wildcard / Tiernan