Originally Posted By: Donkleaps
I would take better Indiana Jones movies over new Star Wars flicks.

I think Disney could do more with the Young Indiana Jones series. I hope they don't go too crazy with the Star Wars movies... you all know what happens thanks to R.A. Salvatore (who has a special place reserved in my hell)... CHEWY DIES!

While I disagree with your Star Wars < Indiana Jones, that stance depends on: *IF* they let the writers like Zahn & Stackpole tell their tales, instead of the Hollywood, and/or Muppet hacks.

Salvatore can burn, burn, burn. He hasn't written anything worth a damn since the original Drow series (and he beat that dead horse until it was flat as paper...hey maybe he was born to pair up with Lucas after all; they do have that tendency in common!)

He not only killed (not bent) his Wookie, but he also reached new, unprecedented heights of Star Wars EMO = Jacen Solo.

Last edited by Wildcard; 11/07/12 11:22 AM.

- Wildcard / Tiernan