This game is not pay to win. Stop the hate people(Tas). To test the changes in infantry weapons I made three characters. I played about 5-6 hrs total.. Yeah I had the night off:) Anyways in that time playing I was able to purchase the vanu and nc carbines(86 certs)for the la/eng class. Upgraded both with reflex sites(26 certs) and supressors(26 certs) and a mix of random cheap 1-2 cert crap. I was rolling with azure twilight and they are pretty coordinated which helped the cert flow. Anyways I'm not bragging! I'm a newb at FPS and I can still get some certs. This is not pay to win! The trick is to aim for the head! You can buy a heavy assault jh/lasher/mcg for 490 certs do you need this to win? No.

Play To Crush!