Originally Posted By: sinij
You think Romney or McCain would do any better?

Romney nor McCain weren't the ones that said it wouldn't go above 8%. Obama said that, so it really doesn't matter if it would have went up or not. Obama said so... I'm just going off his own words.

Also, you have to be delusional if you don't think Obama's policies didn't leave jobs hanging out their that could have made this even lower. The XL pipeline would have helped that number a lot, not to mention the rest of natural gas and oil that could have been opened up.

I'm sure you're going to mention that oil production was up, well of course it's up. That's because demand is up, since demand was up we had to up production. That's like working your employee's overtime in order to get the product out on demand. But if you widen the base and add more drilling permits, then you add more jobs so you can keep up with production without spending more by working your employee's overtime, not to mention the cost of buying it overseas. To go back to the point, Obama left jobs on the table because he was to worried about his lefty tree hugging base being upset. Because they did a study that was nearly a year long on the XL pipeline. So they already knew the issues with it, they simply ignored them and wanted to use it as a political point. Just another example of Government being severely Inefficient.