Originally Posted By: sinij
Originally Posted By: Wolfgang
Just to be clear, I think some defense cuts along with other cuts are going to be necessary. The big issue here isn't tax revenue, it's S P E N D I N G...

Yes, cuts to defense and social programs are necessary, but problem is PRIMARILY tax revenue. Nobody paying any taxes, rich are getting away with single-digit tax rates and 50% of the country does not pay federal income tax because generations of politicians bribed taxpayers by slashing taxes. These low taxes are unsustainable . Money has to come from somewhere, currently its from Fed running printing press 24/7, but that is also unsustainable in the long run.

As I said before, we need REAL tax reform. By adding more taxes to a screwed up system only makes it more screwed up. This administration has done jack shit about reforming a new tax system. As far as revenue goes, the total gross revenue in taxes the Government has received from 2005 and projected revenue of 2012 ranges from $4.7 Trillion - $5.2 Trillion. [url=BOOBS]http://www.usgovernmentrevenue.com/breakdown2012_0.html [/url]

Obama hasn't done jack shit, always bitching and complaining about the repubs. You know a real leader would still get the fucking job done. Clinton did, I would rather have his wiley old ass back in Office than to sit through 4 more years of Obama. Hell, I would consider punching myself in the nuts for four more years than to have Obama again. His change didn't work, so it's time to make a change. Can Mitt do any better? Who the fuck knows, I'm pretty sure the only way to get any worse than Obama is to vote in Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi.