Originally Posted By: Cheerio
you all have no idea
the number if kids being identified as special ed has exploded due to broadening of the definitions
the emphasis on high stakes tests has destroyed the arts, music, athletics, clubs, pe, shop classes to the point of extinction
everyone is forced into a college-prep schedule to feed the beast of higher education, when only 22% of all jobs require a 4 year degree
and, on a political note, the vast influx of ignorant foreigners into my state (california) is wrecking the entire system.
50% of uc students (my wife teaches at one) need remediation
the teachers know- my kids go to private school and teachers' kids are far overrepresented in private school

the smart kids are the ones that suffer the most, they are bored. their attitude sucks and we lose them forever
the kids who arent smart, that could have really benefitted and learned trades from shop and art classes just drop out. more losses to society

i can tell you that the amount of waste is appalling. most of it is due to the people at the state level handing down ridiculous directives. when i talk about petty bureaucrats, shiftless sincures, and regulation, try to understand that a lot of my opinions have been shaped by 14 years in this business.

the union is responsible for almost all of this, directly or indirectly because they wield so much power in this state.

just be aware, sinij, that the school your kids go to will almost certainly be religious, if its private. i suspect your opinions will change once you have contact with normal people.

You hit the nail on the head.

The unions would cry, but I like Ron Pauls idea of doing away with the department of education, and letting states take care of the education.