Originally Posted By: sinij
Originally Posted By: RedKGB
Once again you run back to the Tea Party. Once again you deflect from the purpose of this thread. This thread is about you Sinij, nothing more. I know you want it to be more. You strive to make it more. But in the end, you do nothing but highlight yourself and the venom you have. From your religions point of view...

Do I even want to ask what is wrong with you? Feel free to continue stalking me, and do post pictures of a Sinij Shrine when you finish building it.

In a very likely case you don't have internal feedback process working, you went from being upset about being wrong, to mildly annoying personal attack, to completely disconnected from reality and unable to hold coherent conversation. In other words - a shoe-in for Tea Party leadership position.

It is called aceppting you for who you are and where you come from. Once I figured it out, the ability to aceppt you and love you was very easy. I hold at arms length those I do not understand, for those that I do understnad, I embrace.

Thank you for you being who you are. Your religion defines you, please attack me more, I know you must cause your zealotry leads that way.