What cracks me up here is this:

SCOTUS is cool with the mandate as long as it's considered a TAX. In other words, TAX = LEGAL. Non-Tax = Exceed Congressional Authority.

The White House, in an effort to keep voters dumb and happy in an election year, is doing everything it can to claim otherwise.
" It's not a TAX, it's a PENALTY. "

So my question is, if SCOTUS has declared this is only legal IFF it's a TAX, why would the WH shoot itself in the foot by claiming otherwise ?
Do they not realize their own words will be used against them when this gets revisited years from now ?

SCOTUS: We declared this legal as long as it's considered a tax.
WH: Um . . . but it isn't a tax. . .
SCOTUS: Thus the mandate is illegal.
WH: But if we call it a tax, it hurts us in the elections.
SCOTUS: Your problem. Own up to what it is, accept the consequences and proceed. Or find another way.

Here is where we find out if the folks pushing this crap have any spine at all. It will also show you if they are truly trying to make things
better for " the people " as they love to claim, or just trying to ensure they get re-elected.

The former admits it's a tax and the consequences that go along with it. The people will decide if that's the path we want to travel down to
make this work. The latter is your typical elected idiot these days, they do whatever it takes to ensure they get to stay in office.

Sometimes I really hate our government bureaucracy. . . lol

If I EVER come into any substantial amount of money, I'm moving to a remote island and disconnecting from the species entirely.