The KGB Oracle
Going to be in vent, and discuss a variety of DFO topics regarding the current state of things, upcoming launch, friends and foes etc.

This is open to all KGB, not just current beta members.

Yes, its today. There are some issues that need need addressed ASAP , and meetings will be happening regularly on Sunday from now on so there is no sense in waiting.

Posted By: Thomas Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/08/09 09:33 AM
what "day" is this... times are great but I hope this wasn't a one day notice
Posted By: Vyse Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/08/09 04:21 PM
what day? and is this AM or PM? I am assuming today 2/8/09
Yes, the meeting is today, Sunday, February 8, 2009.

The times are as follows:
6/7 PM PST
8/9 PM CST
9/10 PM EST

Derid can correct me if I have misunderstood
Posted By: Derid Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/08/09 04:37 PM

Romeo is correct.

Sorry again about short notice, but there are some things that need addressed and cannot wait.
Posted By: Slinger Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/08/09 05:56 PM
I work Sunday nights. If this is going to be a worthwhile and important meeting then someone should keep minutes and post them so those of us who can't make it aren't out of the loop!
Posted By: Lenny Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/08/09 09:34 PM
or record it, i have already made plans that can not be broken. i would like to know what is going on and decided about this game. i have been looking forward to this for over 4 years, and need to know more
Posted By: Crimthan Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/08/09 09:55 PM
Yes, post notes or record it, please.
Posted By: Arginal Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/08/09 10:00 PM
Yes I also will be unable to attend, any chance of a recording?
Posted By: Syloc Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/08/09 11:42 PM
I HIGHLY suggest we delay this. As much as I wholehardly agree there are issues that need to be discussed ASAP, it is nothing without all voices present. Personally, I cannot attend as I have been called in to work today.

Then again, I think Donk and Rallic know my opinion on most things; so if it cannot be delayed, they can confer on my thoughts on each matter.

I will be on later tonight (9-10PST) if anyone is on.

Posted By: Derid Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/09/09 04:17 AM

Meeting went well, just ask ppl in vent for the skinny. Not a huge decision making meeting, just wanted to touch base with people.

Meetings like this arent an "event" so much in my mind, as an ad-hoc forum to go over things, share info, etc. There will be more meetings, and anyone can feel free to drop in and chat with me at any time.

A lot of people are on sunday in KGB, which is enough for a good discussion and enough ppl to get any new info dissementated.

Most important thing, other than general game discussion was me going over the vent guidelines, which are posted up here as well.

Sorry to all who couldnt attend, but the saying "dont put off until tommorow , what you can do today" applied here.
Posted By: Crimthan Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/09/09 04:40 AM
Can someone please post the "skinny" in vent? Some of us can't get into vent where we're currently located...
Posted By: Bardaji Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/09/09 01:10 PM
The skinny? Basically the mtg. went down just as Derid related. No guild shaping plans laid, simply a discussion. Before I had to log, topics ranged from:

1) Are we happy with the current location of our city? Do we want to establish in the same locale for release? - Seemed the consensus was yes, the location was good and we will try to grab it at release.

2) What skills have you developed on your beta toon? Are they working well? - Everything is a grind x50 to level but that is expected in a long-term sandbox world. Frustration with the magic system was again expressed and rumors of final uberness should one struggle through the grind were shared.

3) The question of possible allies was discussed. Who have we had positive interactions with? Negative? - Nothing really decided on that one at this time.

4) Will we enforce a racial faction? All race composition? - Again, nothing final but no solid restrictions discussed unless the game mechanics impose them. It was suggested that we stick with Alfar and human due to the proximity of their racial homeland starting points.

5) General talk - At this point I left but most we talking of what they liked, didn't like and hopes for changes before release. Again, nothing guild impacting.
Posted By: Revol Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/09/09 10:45 PM
What is the general guild opinion on the state of the beta?
Posted By: Bardaji Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/09/09 11:11 PM
I think most agree beta should be extended at least another 30-60 days in order to ensure a better product is released to the public.
Posted By: Crimthan Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/10/09 01:29 AM

The skinny? Basically the mtg. went down just as Derid related. No guild shaping plans laid, simply a discussion. Before I had to log, topics ranged from:

1) Are we happy with the current location of our city? Do we want to establish in the same locale for release? - Seemed the consensus was yes, the location was good and we will try to grab it at release.

Does the location of the current city have anything to do with the currently chosen race, or is the location advantageous for any faction?
Posted By: Bardaji Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/10/09 01:32 AM
Location is more easily accessible if we role Alfar but does not require such...
Posted By: Crimthan Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/10/09 02:28 AM
hmm thanks for the info man
Posted By: Leverett Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/10/09 03:52 AM
Thanks for the notes guys.

Im (slowly) unpacking here in Boulder and hope to get my real system set up soon. The vent meetings are great ideas.
Posted By: Derid Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/10/09 05:22 AM

Human land is also pretty close, almost as close as alfar.. in fact the clantowns base aesthetic are all human, so unless something comes up with as of yet unimplemented racial-type-stuff from the devs, human will also be an option for us.
Posted By: Crimthan Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/10/09 12:37 PM
Sweet, and keep in line with past KGB lore...
Posted By: Derid Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/10/09 06:24 PM

Past lore is of 0 concern to me though. Besides, UO only HAD once race.
Have we scouted out the other 3 large islands? Why specifically did we choose this one, and moreso, so far to the edge of the map? Is it for safety from attacks? Because it'd be far more convenient for travel purposes to be near the grey orc spawn (very top of the island.) And for aesthetic purposes, it might be nicer to have our town in a lush jungle or grassy plains, or maybe even the snow (see the other islands on a map) than in the barren wastelands that are Cairn.

Really though, both of those things are trivial in comparison to the safety of our city, so I understand if the decision was made because of that. And if the issue is getting to the town quickly... I think it was already discussed that at release the best thing to do will be only send the guild crafters to the stone (so it'll be a slightly longer afk run/swim for them) while everyone else quests to build up gold.
Oh also, does each stone only have one kind of "benefit" (e.g. Mine, Harbor, etc.) to it? If so, yeah, getting a mine is probably the most convenient for building a city, but a harbor would probably be a seconf priority, especially since we live on an island. Does our current stone have a stone capable of hosting a harbor nearby? Should we maybe start up an alt guild like CKGB or something to hold a harbor until we can actually build our second town?

As of the latest patch, if we ally the two guilds we can communicate through the alliance using /calliance. This means we can treat calliance chat (not to be confused with alliance chat, which would be Human Dwarf Elf chat, or Mahirim Orc chat) as our guild chat... at least while it's still just CKGB and KGB.
Posted By: Derid Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/11/09 01:03 AM

As for starting island - two reasons.

One being, UDA was interested in alfar and suggested it, the other being I know of at least one other island that will be super contested.

Finally, we had to pick one to start, so we did. We found what we needed in regards to good city spots.

However, that does not totally discluse the others, I would be interested to check out the SW island especially TBH.

Harbors seem kinda rare at the moment.. and honestly, other than fast travelling up and down a coastline there is no real reason to use ships, other than as seige weapons against people unwise enough to build towns on the water.

You can also use a friendly/allied hamlet to construct a ship, once its constructed.. unfortunatly it just sits in your pack and you can spawn it anywhere apparently.. so taking , holding and building up facilities for shipmaking off the bat is probably a nonstarter.
Posted By: shatter Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/11/09 03:38 AM
I read some posts on beta leakers forum that stated some business about the dwarven race being a plus because they are all small and thus harder to hit in hand 2 hand and ranged attacks. I don't know if this will somehow get addressed in the game later on but I wonder if it is worth making full use of all advantages presented and roll dwarven. Has anyone scouted the dwarven areas for suitable cities? I got the impression that most exploration has been limited to the human/alfar regions.
Posted By: Donkleaps Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/11/09 03:56 AM
alfar are harder to hit than dwarves. dwarves are wide and short.

alfar are the same height as dwarves but half the width.
Posted By: Tuskil Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/11/09 02:45 PM

alfar are harder to hit than dwarves. dwarves are wide and short.

Based on screenshot leaks I've observed, I would have to strongly disagree with you on that one.


One being, UDA was interested in alfar and suggested it, the other being I know of at least one other island that will be super contested.

I've spoken with UDA's leader in vent on occassion, the guy with the accent, says 'grown ass man' and all that. I'm not comfortable with following UDA's lead at all. From what I've heard the guy say personally, he is a self confessed user of people. Hopefully you've taken steps to ensure we get something out of this cozy set up with them. I remain unimpressed with the way he describes running his own guild and how he treats his own members.

So, I would suggest we not only keep them at arm's length, but maybe try to take the lead ourselves in our plans. Just my opinion on UDA.
Posted By: Crimthan Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/11/09 06:30 PM


alfar are harder to hit than dwarves. dwarves are wide and short.

Based on screenshot leaks I've observed, I would have to strongly disagree with you on that one.


One being, UDA was interested in alfar and suggested it, the other being I know of at least one other island that will be super contested.

I've spoken with UDA's leader in vent on occassion, the guy with the accent, says 'grown ass man' and all that. I'm not comfortable with following UDA's lead at all. From what I've heard the guy say personally, he is a self confessed user of people. Hopefully you've taken steps to ensure we get something out of this cozy set up with them. I remain unimpressed with the way he describes running his own guild and how he treats his own members.

So, I would suggest we not only keep them at arm's length, but maybe try to take the lead ourselves in our plans. Just my opinion on UDA.

I was curious of this myself...

UDA focusing on Alfar makes sense, and I understand the point of doing this for beta. However, for release, it would be beneficial for UDA to stay Alfar while KGB takes up a more versatile faction: Humans/Elves/Dwarves so that you can get all the good stat bases across the spectrum for various skills/weapons plus whatever benefits the Alfar get by allying with UDA. You can have your cake and eat it, too.
Posted By: Derid Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/11/09 07:00 PM

I took their suggestion on map area, simply because it looked interesting enough and we had to pick one area to initially focus on.

Cozy setup with UDA, is just whether or not you like them, they are friends with a decent amount of KGB so we are officially friends on a guild level. Outside of that, they dont owe us anything and we dont owe them anything.

Its a very simple arrangement.
Posted By: Tuskil Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/11/09 07:09 PM

I took their suggestion on map area, simply because it looked interesting enough and we had to pick one area to initially focus on.

One area is as good as another, I have no issue with any decision made so far, just don't want to see us turned into UDA doormats like I observed in AOC in our guild city zone where they monopolized the spawns and refused access when requests were made to join their groups. Like I said, after talking with and listening to UDA's leader, I was not surprised by thier behavior exhibited in AOC.
Posted By: Derid Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/11/09 07:19 PM

I would not worry about that, I do not plan on KGB being anyones doormat. If a friend makes a decent suggestion, we can go with it, if its not we wont.

In any case, our relations with other guilds will be determined on how well they interact with us here in DFO.. if theyre cool here, all is well. If we end up with friends, UDA or anyone else who act the fool, they will be dropped.

I strongly suggest people report issues with allies in game directly to me.
Posted By: shatter Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/16/09 02:16 AM
So here it is, the next sunday and it's after 6pm PST and no meeting? Our Darkfall meetings in vent every sunday sure didn't last long! Can we get a confirmation post a few days ahead of time each week to tell us if the meeting is on or not for that week? Not a bitch but I like to be able to plan out my schedule.
Posted By: Derid Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/16/09 07:53 AM

My bad, I said at last weeks that we probably wouldnt have one this week. At least I wasnt going to hold one. Probably next week though.
Posted By: Seaelf Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/16/09 11:27 AM
For release, I really think we should have a city on the mainland with a bank. The chaos stones are gonna be camped, the wild banks are gonna be camped, and we need a safe spot. I think a city or hamlet bank if hamlets can have banks would be awesome because it wouldnt be random gankers but only a guild that wanted to fight us.
Posted By: Arkh Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/16/09 11:48 AM
For release, till our battlekeep is ready, I think the best is to have all our toon unguilded : capital cities are good to farm the gold we'll need, and without a guild no guild-at-war problem.
We just need 2 toons guilded : one in the capital city who put the farmed items in the clan vault, and the other in Cairn (first to claim the city, then to put the bank up).
Posted By: Seaelf Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/16/09 11:48 AM
We need access to low lvl camps for quests (race specific elf can't do allied human quests) and we need access to enemy faction newb spawns for easy target pvp.

Hell yea Arkh, unguilded sounds awesome !!
Unless they try to take our city, then we couldnt bind to stone.
Posted By: Vyse Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/16/09 03:10 PM
I like the idea of being guilded - through thick and thin....I can't imagine we will have a bunch of enemies right off the bat. Are there? With what KGB stands for I couldn't imagine having a lot of enemies right away but that could just be ignorence.

I like the idea of being guilded - through thick and thin....I can't imagine we will have a bunch of enemies right off the bat. Are there? With what KGB stands for I couldn't imagine having a lot of enemies right away but that could just be ignorence.

lawl. Crawl out of your hole buddy!

Either way, I'm going guilded. I dish out more punishment than I take.
Yeah I'll go guilded. I agree with Sea though. At the very least, can a guild build two cities right off the bat? Maybe we can have 2 cities in parallel: A hamlet near noob spawns where we all meet up, quest together, farm together, pvp together, etc. And from that hamlet we feed gold into the guild bank to level up the Cairn city. Once we're all well-geared, we have 50+ main weapon skills, and we have a 50+ parry tank, we head to cairn. Remember though Minos and shit will supposedly be hard(er) as hell in release, so it might take 75 skill or something.
Posted By: Vyse Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/16/09 04:24 PM

lawl. Crawl out of your hole buddy!

Uh oh - sounds like I am in for a ride lol - I havn't had the pleasure of playing with KGB in a game yet except for a brief time in WAR and enemies or not it didn't really matter in that game.

I'll get my popcorn ready
Posted By: Derid Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/16/09 07:02 PM

Problem with being unguilded is its more of a pain to get money back to the guild vault.

Building two cities simutaniously is a helluva lot of work....

Maybe taking a hamlet and sticking a vault on it could work.

Problem with being unguilded is its more of a pain to get money back to the guild vault.

Building two cities simutaniously is a helluva lot of work....

Maybe taking a hamlet and sticking a vault on it could work.

This was the consensus idea from what I understood out of it all. A place to bind and a place to bank...a merchant would be nice to sell junk loot...but it's not a necessity...we can always bank our stuff and sell it later when we get somewhere safe.
Posted By: Seaelf Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/16/09 10:19 PM
There is still alot of stuff probly hasn't even been put in game yet that should influence our decision...
If we are all on the newbie lands questing and pvping at humans, it will be very difficult to make it back to a castle siege.
Posted By: Thomas Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/16/09 11:18 PM
a "rally" point of sorts near the newb areas WOULD be a big benny! But I don't want to lose the spot we have for our current city either. That place is amazing to defend and we WILL have enemies at our doors attacking.

As for the un guilded part... there are days where I can't do anything in town without being run over by some random ganker trying to kill me. When I'm in gathering or crafting mode I'm naked and usually don't put up much of a fight. So I guess I'm torn on this idea...

maybe a "newb" guild setup that doesn't declare war on anyone and has a close by hamlet, with a graduation into the full KGB city/stone when ready.
Posted By: Syloc Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/16/09 11:23 PM
Honestly though, all the ideas that have been put down, have been said over and over. There's no reason to beat a dead horse, we should really consider coming in on a decision, especially with launch 1 week away. (hopefully?)

Assuming they don't fix corpse tanking; go alfar at start, roll in groups for city money, claim city - seems the undebated first step.
Posted By: Derid Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/17/09 12:25 AM

Thomas, that idea is under strong consideration. Since allies can bind at each others stones, I am probably going to split the guild into a couple different tags. It would make sense for one tag to have a continental hamlet and the main AF tag to hold the fortresses. But either tag can bind at the others stone, so from a practical standpoint its not that large of an inconvenience.

It is actually a cheap way to get seperate guild storage units.

Syloc, the starting plan will be discussed at the meeting next sunday. Most of it is pretty much decided, but as for the obvious part- just havent seen a need to come out and state it yet.

I still need to check out a couple things, and talk with SF, they want us to take a mainland city. People are checking out a couple other locations... things are moving as quick as they need to in that regard.

Though TBH I am still pretty set on trying to fortress up in a remote locale, especialy if SF has lots of mainland holdings. Because we can always bind at one of their stones, or grab an open hamlet or chaos stone closeby and run into their town to bank/sell.

Also keep in mind that there is teleportation/recall stones in the game. Though as it stands, it is troublesome to get initially... and will want to be used mostly from moving from one safespot to another.

The way I forsee it, is taking rune out of bank, recalling to another safe bank, say on mainland, then putting the rune right back in the bank. Once we get everyone a pair of recall runes and the skill, migrating back and forth between the island fortress and mainland safehouses should be pretty painless... its just the first 3 or 4 weeks that will be a headache.
Posted By: Syloc Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/17/09 08:13 AM
I was always a proponent of taking a mainland city, so that's a-ok in my book, however, as long as we have the infrastructure in place to support it. Sure, we might have a hundred people at launch, but it is also possible that we'll only have 20 for the land rush. (first day) Members like Donk and Rallic were busting their ass to figure out the city building, but as we soon discovered, farming on the island is hard ... and without corpse tanking, is impossible.

I have my reservations about SF. Hopefully, it's not just TSB renamed, because as good as those players are, their insistance on being uber small hurt us more than it helped us ... and lots of times we depended on allies wayy too much, and got wiped when we pissed off the wrong guild. (They had Uber templates though, ahh Warrior Vamps Xbow group 4tw)

As for splitting the guild, not a bad idea, but it doesn't take away the fact that it will take 30 minutes MIN, to run back, even if you are crossed tagged, so there's no real point to make two tags. Just claim both and tag at different areas. Bind limits only limit how many physical people bind, not how many are in guild. (unless i'm mistaken) We should NOT depend on recall runes, since the devs have already stated they will not be common.
Posted By: Derid Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/17/09 09:35 AM

Runes being uncommon is why I am thinking, down the road people only having a handfull and using them to recall between safe banks.

A better analogy for SF is TSB was a small group with some ppl from the same crowd, SF itself is a large AC guild. They will probably be bigger than us TBH.

Cross tagging is to have multiple guild banks more than anything, and to make it so when one tag drops a bane, the cities held by the other tags do not also go vulnerable, if im reading the sieging info right.

At start will only spend the money on one tag, until chosen city spot is claimed, after that will start arranging things with additional tag. Basically I envision building a logistical fortress, in other words full guild facilities for weapon and siege mfg, pot making etc, walls and towers and such to protect reagented macroers.. a home so to speak.

Though I suspect most of the fighting people of the guild will spend the majority of their time bound on the mainland with thair main. At least until theres something on the island worth doing. Using guild-bank warp-tunnel effect, things gathered on mainland can easily be shipped to town, and things made in town can be easily shipped back.

My biggest concern, is that if the guild is going to, over a period of time, exert signifigant energy and time building up facilities, it needs to be in the most defensible spot we can make it. Having it off the beaten path so gathering and farming types are accosted less is also a bonus.

This is still open to discussion, but these are my thoughts
Posted By: Arkh Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/17/09 09:44 AM
About the sunday meeting, can you do it earlier ? Or on saturday ?
Posted By: Thomas Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/17/09 11:43 AM
As for the "fortress" we currently have it is by far the best defendable city i've ever seen. Donk, KGBPoo, Slinger, and myself went to the far west island and found lots of GREAT monster camps but their player city locations were not very defendable.

We ARE KGB and with that will be attacked often. If we are going to have a chance at defending ourselves we should still pick the "fortress" as our main guild city just based upon the location and defence.

The other "hamlet" can act as a farming city with mobs that are solo or small groupable.
Posted By: Crimthan Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/17/09 01:02 PM
So currently, Humans will be an OK race to play as a KGB member upon release?
Posted By: Syloc Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/17/09 04:58 PM
To be honest, building up he fortress on our current island isn't an insurmountable obsacle - it's only currently hard because we're still in beta and people don't feel the need to exert the kind of effort it needs to farm for a city like that. If we have multiple groups farming for it, then it should progress nicely; however if we do go fortress, unless we plan not to be sieged, we do need a concerted effort from the membership. This isn't SB. You can't farm alone afk macroing. There would need to be much more involvement from everyone to pull it off in a timely manner.

If anything beta has taught us, is that this will be a grinding game at start.
Posted By: Seaelf Re: Vent DFO Meeting - 9/10 EST - 6/7PST - 02/17/09 11:13 PM
I like our defendable keep too, like you said we can't do it solo, even if we have a bank on the mainland at a hamlet, all it takes is a few griefers camping it and if you are solo you are screwed. Go Team !!
© The KGB Oracle