By Friendly I mean our enemies, The Gentlemen accepted cBay for it. There will be blood. There has already been blood. Take a peek at pmap and guess how many friendly faces you’re going to see welcoming us to the hood. Tonight it was nonstop action, too hot for me to ask them to mark runes for us.

Please try to fly the KGB flag. Remember our value is earned and proved on the battle field, and size does count (sorry guys). It is not our wit and charm in Vent that earns us a place in this or any alliance. If you’re active in game you’re expected to be there. Remember the reason BFTA* and TOFTS split up was over a TOFTS clan that had active members on who didn’t respond to a siege. People take it personally when they lose city and assets when allied people don’t bother to help…. That’s the alliance part I guess. grin

People going on raids for fun and profit is one thing, but for alliance assets we are expected.

As always to a siege, don’t wear your best gear and expect to replace it.

If you wonder over on your own beforehand and are a blue ork or wolf you can bind at night spire, if your red or some other race you can bind at a chaos stone either north of there or the one north of andruck, neither close.

As always don’t battle loot, if for some reason you need to, say something in vent beforehand and only take the item you’re out of that you really need (not all the shit you use).
We survive on our image and reputation. You’re not going to find anything in a corpse worth that.

[Have all gear and battle bags ready and inspected before - when we're mounting up it's too late]

11pm Eastern

That comes to:
10pm Central
8pm Pacific

But verify your time to the Eastern time.

For this event we most likely will not have our own 1/2 or 1/3 group, or go to our own channel in vent with a phantom in the main/battle group. But if we can get the numbers that is our goal.

* who I would expect to pay a visit, I don’t think they were pleased with the hospitality they received tonight and may want their gear back

Last edited by Ismash Grimblood; 11/04/11 11:12 AM.