Actually the big umbrella is "Something Awful" or SA. The "GOON" moniker is just the gaming element of Something Awful. I say this because I have been a member of SA for probably going on almost 10 years now. I have been a GOON, I have played with GOONS, and I have played directly opposing GOONS.

It all depends on who is or who is not running the show when talking about GOON factions. As well, people pay to be members of SA and the services they provide, one of which is the gaming element of the GOONS. What has caused a degradation of the GOON tag is the influx of 4Chan and the like.

I can tell you this, there will be a strong GOON presence in early PS2, for good, bad, or otherwise.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!