Originally Posted By: Derid

Which brings us to your last point - your primary fault regarding your regulatory arguments is you have yet to put forth what specific regulations should be employed and how they would work.

I previously mentioned framework of what I believe in - end limited liability, end or greatly limit corporate personhood, and punitively tax golden parachutes at confiscatory levels. If you want to discuss specifics you will have to narrow down to a couple issues.

As the guy in that 1%er article I posted noted - "the banks have taken over the regulatory agencies, so we need more regulations!" does not exactly make much sense.

Canada, for example, has much stricter banking regulation and did not suffer meltdown, bailouts and TBTF. Don't confuse the issue of corruption with supposed ineffectiveness of regulation. You need both broad regulation and effective enforcement. Plus criminal code need to step in and stop some of the more obvious corruption that right now isn't illegal.

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