Originally Posted By: JetStar
The Grind has changes substantially.

True, also what is needed to be pvp viable has changed(lessoned imo).

More or complete freedom for city building would have been nice but in no way would be game maker or breaker for anyone(not in anyway I can see) They have redone all the NPC and player cities for 2.0 so doubtful to come anyway.

I don't see them wiping and if they did many may come back but they would leave again shortly after for whatever reason they left originally. Sure everyone would start at the same level but unless they made it take a month to max out(terrible idea) then those with the time would surpass you once again and you would be doing yourself a diservice compared to the level your charactor is now vs the server average without a wipe.

DFO is a hardcore niche game, there is nothing else out there like it. It is not for everyone or even most, but they shouldn't make any major changes to the game as is, only continue to fix bugs, keep balancing to create diversity and release more expansions/input more activities. Oh and advertise!