PHA..guy was lucky it was your buddy and not some other cops, regardless. It absolutely drives me fucking nuts that people believe because they can act a certain way, that anyone interferring with them is violating their rights and abusing them. Pathetic country of entitlement issue people who forgot what it was to have respect for others, and the officers who have chosen to serve them.

Everything is always about the cops. Guess what, your kid gets in my face, I am taking your kid out. Period. If that means I get to slap some cuffs on him and put him in jail cause you did not teach him proper respect, cool. If you come and get in my face, you can sit in a cell beside him. No one, and I mean no one, is "entitled" and the problem abounds with people who have decided they are and their children are worse. I have a cousin who was ass beaten by the cops in Mesa Arizona. Cops came to his house on a domestic, he decides they have no right to be there since the disturbance was not physical, just a lot of screaming and yelling with his wife. His story is that the cops determined that one of them needed to leave for a sufficient amount of time to allow for a cooling off. No jail, nada, just one leave. He gets in a cops face, tells the cop he has no right to make that determination in a situation that was none of his business, and pokes the cop in the chest and tells him to get his ass out of his house. Cop goes to place him under arrest for assault (yup, poke a cop, pay the price) he dedices no way is he going to jail. He starts fighting back. 3 cops and his bloody ass in a patrol car later, and his parents are screaming police brutality and hiring lawyers and call me to come testify for him. I laughed my ass off, told them I would be more than happy to come testify that he used to be a level headed guy who obviously lost his mind. They wont be inviting me to visit anytime soon.

Do not get me wrong. Lots of bad cops with power issues, and used to be the local punk who had no ability to protect themselves. Does not matter, they are still the cops. First word out of your mouth is sir, I will comply with your lawful direction, and you have no issues. Failure to do so and you get no sympathy from me for anything they do to you within lawful reason. And before you ask, lawful reason is any direction given by them within the law, that you should obey. I do not care how you feel, or what you think your rights are. if the police show for any reason, it is their playground. You don't like that, then don't do things that might bring them. Your not above the law and they are empowered to enforce the law. Don't like that, their are plenty of countries you can go live in where the police are powerless. Try any major city in Mexico.

There are simply to many people who believe they can do as they please, when they please. To many children who have been coddled and pampered by mommmy and daddy, given everything they ever wanted and it still is not enough, and now, they believe Mommy and Daddy will keep them safe. Gold collar kids, who earn good livings, live at home with Mom and Dad, the parents pay all the bills and the kids keep their own money and live the good life. And then join some organization such as these twits, cause good grass roots movements draw the babes and they might get laid. Puh fucking puhlease...

*sorry...this stuff just gets under my skins in a way nothing else does.*

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