If you just seen this and knew nothing about the people that were doing this at a national monument, would you agree or disagree that they should be able to do this, and disrupt others trying to visit the monument?

Now, to tell you who these people actually are. If you notice the first couple to get cuffs put on them. The guy had a code pink t-shirt on, and the female was none other than co-founder of code pink Medea Benjamin. Knowing these code pink asshats are nothing but anarchists who try to intentionally disrupt, do you agree they should have been arrested, Any other person would have been if they were warned not to do something at a national monument.

This wasn't the mall, or a park somewhere. It was a national monument where people take their families without having a bunch of dumbass's making an ass of themselves to get their name in the news. If they allowed people to do these things at national monuments, I can tell you I would never visit one. I wouldn't want to see a selfish fuckstick (or a group of them), messing with my time while I'm trying to go visit national monuments. I would have fucking tazed them.

On a side note, I read a tweet from a Tulsa reporter that was covering the Presidents visit to Joplin. The Inbreds from Westboro Baptist Church were going to be protesting in Joplin. It was never reported on the news from what I heard. Apparently the reporter was told by a Missouri Highway Patrolman that they had to use tear gas on the Westboro folks. If this is true, they need to give medals to those MHP.

Last edited by Wolfgang; 05/30/11 08:57 AM.