To add to what Helemoto is saying --

You can get food from "outside the system" as well, it just tends to cost more. Though sometimes, it will actually cost less.

In fact, higher quality food has been a growing niche market the past few years. If you do not like the current system, the answer is pretty simple - dont buy from it.

Go to your farmers markets, find one of the independant butchers, ask your grocer to account for where their food comes from.

I know my whole family is very particular, and ( outside of niche ethnic foods ) wont spend a penny on anything not made in the USA or Canada. Locally grown beef and pork from the fresh food stores is definitely a favorite as well.

People just need to speak with their wallet.

Also, learning about food also plays a big part.

Know why your typical grocery sells really shitty tomatoes that have little nutrition or taste? Because they can get them to look really shiny and red and uniform. Why do they care? Because many people are clueless and would rather buy a tasteless, nutritionless tomato that LOOKS really shiny red and uniform, than buy a slightly misshapen-looking tomato that may vary in color but tastes good and is actually good for you.

Repeat x 47000.. or once for every crap item a typical grocer carries.

As cheap as possible, and looks are everything... thats what people seem to want so thats what gets supplied. Again, dont like it - speak with your wallet.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)