Originally Posted By: Arkh
It's just memory fuck-up from the client which did not load Jonah's model for you : see how some other guy is healing him.

Your half right Arkh. it is a memory model error on the client side. The other half of the equation is the couple of different ways you can "trick" the client into this error, there by creating the effect of the model not loading. In addition to that, once a individual has achieved the model memory error, the individual assigned to direct healing can usually relog and on reload have the individual who has the model error load for them so they can direct heal them. At the layer to that of indirect healing in Witch's Brew, because while the model doesn't appear for you, the effect of the PBAoE still affects the individual who has the model error.

I want to add, I am not going to disclose the ways in which you can achieve this. I don't subscribe to its use or abuse, and quite frankly if I caught a KGB member actively doing this it would take about 10 mins of report writing and SS before you were brought up on charges.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!