i agree with drakiis. yes we could very well as build the wonder and shortly after get seiged and loss it, but in that our name will be out there. our name will be all over the forums and chat in game for weeks. we could just as easily loss andruk tomorrow as we could after the wonder is built. but for me the dignity, glory, honer, respect, and the since of accomplishment that i would feel seeing it built and know it was us who did it for me will way out weight the possible loss of andruk. if we lost andruk we could always work towards getting a new home as a guild. there is plinty of other cities out there we could all pitch in to buy for us.

u guys say that we can barely defend the city and all that. yea we all know this, this has been like this since day 1 of owning andruk and i am sorry but i don't see it changing anytime soon. my point is everyone knows the times to hit us and roll us 90% time. and to be honest if they really wanted andruk they could prob seige and take it from us. noone knows that someone could seige us tomorrow and we loss andruk and in that loss our chance to even try to build the wonder. also lossing our only chance to have our clan name known by everyone on the server. lossing andruk wouldn't be such a bad thing. then we wouldn't have the bytchin about not being geared to defend 24/7.

the wonder imho is the only thing in the game right now that we could successfully do and in turn put our name out there and bring a lil glory back to the kgb name. the server is goin to crap and prob won't get a hole lot better til darkfall 2010. i mean the guild on EU that built the wonder got interviewed by AV and point out on there site for there great acheivement. am i the only one that wants this for our guild aswell? to be spot lighted as doin something great on this server?

if we loss andruk in the aftermath then so be it we move on and strive for something that doesn't stress everyone out day in and day out. cause to me i love andruk but i also hate it. we as a guild spend more of our time bytching and complaining about everything that andruk requires then we do actually having any fun.so many people dread gettin in vent cause they know it will be the same routine everyday. some people bytching, some people demoralizing others, some demandin others to do things there not wantin to, and other complainin about lossin stuff. every so often we have a possitive vent channel but most of the time it is negative and i'm sorry but thats not exactly what i want to listen to everyday.

there is other cities we can take and prob have more fun as a guild. i know KGB has a history with andruk and i understand that. but honestly is it good for the health of our clan as a whole right now? i mean honestly answer that question if u can if u actually think andruk is the best thing for the clan. that it is what keeps us goin and holds us together as a clan.

my last point. i say we make a clan vote for everyone to vote on whether or not to build the wonder. if we all say no the so be it. but if we say yes and we build it and end up lossing andruk for some reason after it. we can look at each other and know we did it as a guild. not as the leaderships descission, but as a whole guild. I'm with this guild and what ever descission is makes and i'm sure i am not the only one that doesn't agree with every descission they make but i am still here makin my way through darkfall holding the KGB tag proudly. if we lost the city after we built the wonder so what. everyone that see's it will remember kgb built it not who toke the city from them first. i mean think about it guys. how many of u hardcore pvpers go out and see a city and remember back in the day on eu or na lauch of that huge epic battle u had there. or those of u that this is ur new home in kgb and u came from other guilds. when u go back to the first city u ever lived out of how many memories will come to mind first thing as u walk through those gates? u don't think about who is runnin around right that second u get a flash back of great memories. i mean i can't count the times we go out on seige runs and when we get there people are like oh shyt i remember this place we came here long time ago and had a huge seige or what not. I want our name to be put into people memories so tha when the time comes and kgb does move to another great game or what ever our name will still remain.

Last edited by Devan Omega; 06/24/10 01:23 PM.