hey guys with permission from leadership i would like to lead a pvp practice tonight at 7pm cst. if i'm not wanted to lead one as a regular member i understand and will delete this post.

areas for this practice.

1v1 in 4 forms
4)free use of all.
(this is for general practice to get to know each others styles to help improve any and all aspects of pvp as possible)

2v2 in 2 forms
1)full out fight support each other and kill
2) 1 fight other only heal/buff (2 fighters only fight the other fighter. the healer/buffers only heal/buff nothing else)
( this is to work on working together and also work on peoples cross healing and ability to heal in middle of battle. healing moving target takes alot of work to get good at. getting to know ur partner/allies play styles and ability to learn there fighting habits and movements will help to anticipate how they will react in a fight maybe giving u a edge on healing on the go.)

full group vs group in 2 forms
1)inner city battle like we have done before around the mage/church area.
2)full city attack 1 group leaves the city boarder for a set amount of time that the defending team won't know. when told the attacking team will then use there organization skills to work together to breach the city walls and capture and hold a set point within the city. then they will need to exit and get away safely. this simulation will represent our normal defences when we get hit and the set point will be the representing the bank. basically i want us to learn to work together in both defence and attack to get to the ending goal (successful defnece or attack of the target). being as i want this to be as real as possible i won't be fightin i will be monitoring. when a person dies they are able to be rezz. i will monitor the dead. everyone make sure it is all bagged and labeled.

there is 2 ways to handle regearing for the defenders.
1)u guys can grab new gear bag and not be allowed to put it on til u get to the point which represents the bank in our simulation.(this to keep the simulation realistic being as when u respawn u will have to reach the bank (destination set) to get ur gear then get away to regear and jump in the fight.)
2)i can grab and hold ur gear and after u respawn u come to me and trade me to get ur bag u were using. ( would be standing in the set bank location and represent the bank for u to get ur bag and get away to regear.
3) i can set a clan strong box in the set point and when u die and get ganked or tap out i will grab ur stuff and put it in the strong box and u will need to respawn and get it out the strong box urself. (this works great but if we inclue our allies that live regularly in andruk they won't get access to the clan strong box. but at that point if needed i cn become the bank for outside kgb access so they can join the similation without pause). this we can talk about before this part of the practice starts.

I want this to be a realistic as possible. defending team can regear attacking can not. just like any attack we ever have we can regear and continue to fight back attackers can't. all they can do is stay focus and rezz when ever possible without sacrificing the mission. main rule is noone is allowed to loot but me to allow people to regear at the bank set point. if for some reason someone loots and i find out about it i will deal with it. if any items are lost cause someone desides to be retarted and loots and doesn't speak up i will replace what is lost at my expense. please keep this to no higher then r40's and plate and lower no infernal and crap. just stuff u guys would be grabbing out of the bank for a andruk city defence.