Im gonna post in this thread for the simple reason..IT REALLY PISSED ME THE FUCK OFF!!!!

Loyalty to me means it in a game of pixels or real life. When i joined KGB i had been with a core group of player since i started playing MMO's with Pirates of the Burning Sea. I have rolled with shark wolf the whole time also.

Now that being said what Bearrok did was beyond FUCK'ed in more ways than one. He has been with you guys for a year and he up's and thinks he is going to find greener pastures with BKS? Looks like this one slipped through the cracks somehow. I say this he did this while in KGB and knew of his decsion he was thinking about making....who's to say he hasnt been doing this the whole time he was with us?

If that yellow-bellied spineless asshole ever tries to come back after reading his post on BKS's forums I will fight his coming back to KGB as im sure alot of others will do. If i offended any of you with this post i am VERY SORRY, but after feeling like i got screwed with no kiss on the neck, and his BETRAYAL of all of KGB and myself this is why i am being as blunt as i am.

Again if i offended any of his friends with this post i am sorry, but i have voiced my opinion!

Decon Black/ a.k.a. Rorshack Grey

P.S. EHWOL i would have understood a little better if for the simple fact that you do not get accepted to BKS without trying out with them. It is not as easy as just posting on their forums and you get accepted. as far as i know

Last edited by Decon Black; 03/15/10 04:38 AM.

Former KGB Member