So here is our current DFO Clan listing. Perhaps it might be time to do some house cleaning in order to keep our roll call tight. People can always let us know on the Oracle when there going to be active in game again and be re-added to the in game clan.

I was thinking we could shift the non-active or alt's out of KGB, and into CKGB to keep the KGB roll call to only those who are actively playing. By non-active, I mean you hardly ever log in, and if you do its only for a couple of hours. By hardly logging in, I mean that you log in less then once a week on average and its usually less then a couple hours in-game.

Supreme General
Val Aria
Don KLeaps
Donk Leaps
JetStar deKGB
Romeo Montague

Mor lander
Arkh deKGB

Vuldan Ironhand

Jaguar Skullsplinter

Span Yard
Bartender deKGB

Ryu Houdini
Longshanks deKGB
Don Qaixotic
Lord Darka
Lord Critter
Ken Kamillion
Edelweiss Lieben
Arjuna Pandava
Tomas deKGB
Prism Darkfrost
Tas Orin
Yissu Dojar
willieb hung
Syloc deKGB
Wolfgang Darkshade

Bit Mouse
Garciavega deKGB
Kobold Inc
Krayton Reyanis
Devan Omega
Thresh Sabbot
Kurio Hogun
Leeboi Luvin
Borne OfFire
Ismash Grimblood
Dalmmar deKGB
Deatheaven Deepshadow
Bearrok TheGraveSmith
Astara Reyanis
Blaez Urian
Anax Ironfaith
Hele moto
Ictinike Zoran
Instrument SlyDeguna
Krull Killgore
Pickens Heretic
ifantis Darkkeep
Sarasyn Verdugo
Shark WolF
Sling deKGB
Squa Red
Steck VonFrankenstein
The WindWalker
TheReal RockNRolla
Uber Chronix
Silver Bullet
Van Cleef
Yer Epitaph
ZhenYu Omega
bigbad wolf
Saint Bloodcrestt
Sabin Figaro
Rutaq Wolf
MamaPick Heretic
Naswipp Crotchcrusher
Nathe Griffith
Necron GrimThrone
Rendarr Allamir
Pane Killer
Piddle Fiddle
Magusto Beerlvr
Ravear Einherjar
RorShack Grey
Represent KGB
Rogee Fellblade

Big Dave
Lusid Blindhammer
Nastasya Petrova
Aglon Dark
Tha Rock
Dragon Omega
Ghost Chant
Dark Heaven
Reaperette Krona
Rioran Emerlow
Mad Charles
Zardoz Bromlade
Anniethrax Plaguebringer
Jenai Lyza
Neoxthis Giantslayer
BrutalSlash FatalSplash
Ajack Moore

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!