Actually, thats like a turquoise gray color (#cfafcf, rolls over to #ffcfff).

I'm not using a palette, I coded that site using textpad. After a while of coding you can just do colors strait from their 32 bit hex codes.

Its unlikely I'll finish that particular site considering I deleted my wow characters and uninstalled the game.

I may reuse the "torn parchment" background/box/container theme- and I went with transparent orange so the backgrounds could be seen through the boxes (when it was to be completed the boxes for the forum posts etc would be covering most of the page). The orangey color was chosen to match the color tint of the background.
There are 3 background images aside from the actual page background in the back. The top image floats on top of the box behind the text and menus. There is another background image that is floating attached to the bottom of the box- as the box is filled with content and grows with height its always at the bottom. Both of those images fade to transparent and the parchment background that tiles the box itself shows through. (So basically a boat load of div tags and css hokus-pokus)

The "me" and the darkfall/gaming site will reuse some html and css but are going to look mostly different. As a matter of fact all of the html and css in that preview of the site came strait from the ravtehcow site- only the images have changed really.

Last edited by Rav; 12/15/09 02:03 PM.