
Look, though. I'm not negative, i'm just blunt. My style is direct, and i'm saying what some people think but don't say. Like, for instance, people say we won that siege at Khosgar back in the day. No we didn't. The 10+ guilds we called in did.

I'm not saying we shouldn't have allies, but we shouldn't be content with the fact that our alliance was victorious, and be lazy in our own pvp skill - if we do that, we'll always be dependant on other people.

I know everyone doesn't think like me, because i'm a different case. I don't have fun with the attitude that, "As long as we're having fun, it doesn't matter whether we win or lose". I don't like coddling people, because that doesn't make them better pvpers; it makes them worse.

You tell them they did a good job when they didn't, guess what? They'll do that same crap again next time. Just like a guild friend of my named Rabbit said to me once, "Look, I love you guys like family, but in the end, i'm here to play the game."

If we technically won the battle, but our own tactics sucked ass, i'm going to say they sucked ass. I'm not going to skirt the issue, say we did a good job, or any of that crap. However, I try not to go aggro on everyone; and I'm quiet when the situtation calls for it.

On that same token, I do understand we're rebuilding - and I like the direction we're going in. But that's my mindset going forward.

I'm not excessively rude, but I will be blunt.

My approach to PVP is that "You're only as strong as your weakest link." If we're winning, but we still have weak points - I would rather address and work on the weak points rather than pat myself on the back and say "Winning was good enough."

This is how I play. Competative. Play to win.

To be frank, for me at least, being "good" isn't freeking good enough. We have to be the best. (Or at least strive to be the best) Which is why i'm going to level up magic if magekiller blows ass.

I'm not playing Hello Kitty Online. I'm playing Darkfall.

Last edited by Syloc; 12/04/09 03:04 PM.

Former KGB Member