We talked about this yesterday, good to see it posted.

I really think we can get rid of the "looter" duties, seeing that loot should be an afterthought.

The buddy system was always in the works.

it's been awhile since i've played. What's so great about
--telekinesis-- ?

We should really use primary scouts more, so it's not a last minute decision like before.

Just like we talked about before, we need to start scrimming / dueling within our own guild more - especially since the skill level of players are so drastically different, we can learn a lot just amongst ourselves rather than killing random noobs. I really feel that if you can 1v1 effectively, then you're heads and tails above most people - the difficulty will be encouraging people to do it without it being an ego-stroke fest.

I think the 3-4 late night guys we saw yesterday is a good starting group. (If you guys are up to it)

Last edited by Syloc; 11/11/09 10:51 AM.

Former KGB Member