If that is the case sinji how would someone feel who say didnt have to fill out the application but then wanted to go from (using sb as example) SB to say Wow, and in Wow the applicatiojn process is there and the other guy has say been in SB for like a year he will have to file an application for Wow to even be part of KGB there. I wouldn't think that alot of people would find that fair and would possibly not want to be part of KGB as a whole

By having each KGB applicant fill out the application that saves alot of headaches so the other faction leaders won't have to have more work for them then what is needed.

Now I do think that Each faction could have it's own application version that is particular to the game itself, I think the application process is a vital necessity for entry into KGB, it's up to the faction leader to set out their acceptances baed off that application, but if someone was seriously wanting to become a KGB member then the application won't be a big thing.

I believe the application should be mandatory and I think the greater part of KGB in all the previous factions had assumed so, it wasn't until Holrom was in office that the application wasn't used so it's just a new time for things as a whole.

I hope you understand my point, I am nearly 9 mos pregnant and i am typing between my candy bar LOL

[Linked Image from w3.the-kgb.com]