Checked getting a team out it today.

It's a pretty much seems like a raffle system for available teams at each level. Any team assigned to the CPU after returning teams decide whether or not to nut up again is open for acquisition. With each level of Pee Wee to Pro the more points it costs.

Currently there are 475+ entries into available Pee Wee teams for Season 11 which starts at the end of the month depending on when the playoffs and finals are done. The D-League level has about the same entries as well into the raffle.

Do we want to take one more season and get our levels up maybe to 10-15 and make a solid plan for Season 12. All we really need is a solid active core so you don't get set to inactive status for the game. I mean come on, it takes like 15 minuets of your time once every other day just to spend your training points and that is all you really have to do.

I would be more then willing to put my $$$ where my mouth is and buy the points needed to get us into the raffle.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!