Originally Posted By: Drakiis
Originally Posted By: Salohcin Dragon

Wow, nice looking chick in the pic.

my thinking exactly

Unfortunately, her boobs aren't totally falling out of her shirt, but at least her bra is undone!

I'm fairly neutral on the pot thing, overall - especially for civilians. However, I'm certain it would still be illegal in the military, as it has proven to neutralize initiative and drive. Not to mention that many people I know who are psychologically dependent on Pot to have a "positive attitude" get VERY cranky when they haven't smoked it in a couple days. Of course, I get the same way when I haven't had sex in a couple days, but then again - I'm psychologically addicted to sex - but that's another story. It's all about the endorphins and other feel-goods, ya know.

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[Linked Image from nodiatis.com]