I have been thinking about this for the last couple of weeks, and I have made up my mind. I refuse to continue to pay in excess of $20 a month to play a mostly broken beta anymore.

Plenty of potential in Darkfall, Adventurine just isn't delivering on anything in any kind of timely manner, nor do they have any intentions of addressing most of the issues based on how they have communicated and delivered in the last three months. The future patch notes and the things they are working on are a far cry from any type of balancing major issues in PvP and Sieging.

Personally I don't want to AFK macro or Semi-AFK macro up Magic just to have a broken magic system. The PvE is beyond broken and is reduced to exploiting the AI by any number of means. Don't even get me started on the gear durability issue they created recently. Not to mention harvesting materials is about as enjoyable as watching SOMEONE ELSE'S paint dry.

So that leaves me with a stupid Siege system that I can't really enjoy because of horrible lag and a slideshow in anything with more then 40 or so people on the screen doing anything. In addition, the PvP is largely nothing more then twitch sprinting circle strafing, sprinting bunny hopping overpowered archery, and extremely long chases due because of the way mounts work with unpacking them on a simple quick macro and the total lack of encumbrance for carry multiple mounts. Because yeah, its reasonable to think you could have 10 horses in a bag and they have no weight, I mean come on.

Personally, I can get my twitch fix in the literally dozens of FPS titles I already own and don't have to pay an additional 20 bucks a month to play. It's not the money, its the principle of it.

With that said, I just paid my last month of DFO until they address the major BROKEN issues in this game. If they do that, I will return and may actually enjoy their attempt at what I, and many of you were looking for. A balanced PvP Sandbox world, in which FFA loot and a reasonable balanced system allowed for GLOBAL DOMINATION!!

P.S ~ Before you even go there, no shit no game is ever finished or completely balanced, but at the same time DFO is a broken piece of crap right now, with all the potential in the world once they actually implement half the stuff they KNOW they need too.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!