That it's just not really possible for me to level up "fairly" and still expect to contribute to the guild.

I have, up until this point at least, tried to refrain from using macros for gathering/running skills or leveling up weapon skills by beating on fellow alliance people.

I'm thinking that this was a bad strategy becuase I see everyone else is WAY further ahead of me in terms of skills and gold.

So I guess I'm writing this for two reasons:

1) I caution new players, unless you're planning on sitting at your computer and playing 12-13 hours a day, just suck up your pride and use/work with other players to build your basic skills up. It's just not going to happen at PvE mobs legitly. You'll find that all the starter mobs are camped, or you're going to be fighting a mob and three others will spawn and you'll end up dying and losing your stuff. If neither of those things happen, you'll realize that every hour or so, a red player will run through the starter areas and slaughter everyone who is fighting the starter mobs and steal all their gold.

2) I plan on bugging some people into helping me build my rigor/weapon skills the next time I'm on and playing. (either tonight or tomorrow night). Oh, I also plan on bugging someone into teaching me how to install and run a macro so that I can work on various skills. smile

That is all.

Last edited by Tonto_KGB; 04/29/09 08:13 AM.