1. Don't concern yourself with pixels.

Don't worry about looting or complain about lost gear, or blame others for the same.

2. Listen in vent.

Don't just zone out and get tunnel vision, listen to everything said, if under attack speak clearly, smoothly, and calmly. Explain and describe all that you can, give coordinates if possible, location, number, direction of enemies. Use the right channels for the right things, if you hear a battle taking place join it or move to another channel. If you die because you did so that is your own fault for wanting to pve instead of fight. I can't stress how much of a cluster fuck vent is atm due to everyone stacking in one vent channel, when over half the people there are doing different things. There are so many conversations over powering one another those who are fighting cannot get clear communication.

3. Listen to your leadership.

Don't fucking bitch or decide you know better then them, and if you are going to "offer" a alternative communicate it clearly so that the leadership isn't assuming your following the last order when in fact your off playing with your orky weiner. Later on if you didn't like the call made in the field, take it to private pm or vent.

4. Be POLITE to all KGB especially those with the difficult job of leading this crew.

You don't have to like people but you best damn respect them, they paid their dues to be in the guild too, and have a right to play along side all KGB just as much as you. Some harmless fun is okay if both people acknowledge it as such but if you are poking people with a stick that didn't want to be your just being a asshat. Stop finger pointing, stop blaming, and stop fucking with other KGB. WE ALL ARE KGB, if you want to fuck with someone go find a Hyperion guy.

5. Work in harmony, or work in concert in fights.

If your right on top of a enemy in melee, yet you see Mana Missles or arrows whizzing by your head from behind, where you know there are KGB to be, then move so that the enemy if between you and them, strafe to the left or right and give your firends a oppertunity to make their shots without hitting you. Far too often it seems to me that people are in a rush only concerned with themselves, they get the tunnel vision and drawn into bad situations because they are not thinking big picture. I think too many people want "the kill" and think that will enhance their rep. Fuck that it's KGB's rep not yours you want rep go earn it alone, we work together or we fall together, there is no you, there is us or noone.

6. Practice makes perfect.

fight all you can in any instance where there are enemies to be found. I realize some are now looking into practice methods, cool. But doing it is way more important then talking about it. I know there are a few who are working in game on this and they should be supported, any member who says they suck at pvp, or need help in pvp should be seeking this form of self help. One important aspect of this variable is that while resourcing is good, and so is practicing, however members online should always, ALWAYS respond to intruders, which brings me to...

7. Response time work on it, hone it, drill it, do it.

If a enemy no matter the number, even one blatant faggot shows up, everyone should be rolling, EVERYONE. even if your out in BFE fishing you should be swimming your ass off back to Khosgar, why? Because it could be the forward sign of a larger group, because one guy can kill macroers, because one guy can hide and log out and not be known for days, because someone will be watching us and what we do, measuring our response time, and telling others. We cannot continue to treat Khosgar like it used to be, we've been here long enough now for people to know where we are, and I think there are still members acting as if we are still below the radar. Maybe they know that's not true but they are still acting like it is.

8. Make your ready bags, gear up.

actually use your equipment, especially pots or food. Our enemies beat us because they use pots and eat food, they scout us, come up with a plan communicate work together and execute that plan.

9. Don't over extend, especially without support.

control the engagement don't let yourself be lead around or fooled. Use when using multiple groups attack at different angles, or mass fire ranged weapons at distance.

10. Be wary who you trust.

if they don't wear a KGB tag then make sure to give a person a wide berth, if they have a weapon out be especially cautious. Report anything odd about others, in fact you should always be reporting anything suspicious.

12. Be ready to die, expect it, count on it, repeatedly.

Don't just say that you are and then get all but hurt when it happens, say it and mean it. I got beat down for noob loot by a claymore guy in full gear, and I caught myself in vent about to go off, then I realized "shit Drak, this is just the first of many, welcome to darkfall" and promptly changed tactics, went back out, played around plinking goblin arrows at the douche bag who ass raped me, got bored and ran to KGB city, and was awared a mount. It don't matter.

13. you can't beat everyone.

This goes along with dying repeatedly but just so people understand that even if YOU fall KGB might still win. This is the most important variable of all.

Sorry for the epic wall of text, the rant, and the insensitive words used.

I am Wrath, I am Steel, I am the Mercy of Angels.
mors est merces mea – death is my reward
morte in vitam non habet tenaci - Death has no grip on Life.
[Linked Image from i.redd.it]