The KGB Oracle
Posted By: Drakiis Drakiis List of Darkfall Variables - 04/28/09 08:38 PM
1. Don't concern yourself with pixels.

Don't worry about looting or complain about lost gear, or blame others for the same.

2. Listen in vent.

Don't just zone out and get tunnel vision, listen to everything said, if under attack speak clearly, smoothly, and calmly. Explain and describe all that you can, give coordinates if possible, location, number, direction of enemies. Use the right channels for the right things, if you hear a battle taking place join it or move to another channel. If you die because you did so that is your own fault for wanting to pve instead of fight. I can't stress how much of a cluster fuck vent is atm due to everyone stacking in one vent channel, when over half the people there are doing different things. There are so many conversations over powering one another those who are fighting cannot get clear communication.

3. Listen to your leadership.

Don't fucking bitch or decide you know better then them, and if you are going to "offer" a alternative communicate it clearly so that the leadership isn't assuming your following the last order when in fact your off playing with your orky weiner. Later on if you didn't like the call made in the field, take it to private pm or vent.

4. Be POLITE to all KGB especially those with the difficult job of leading this crew.

You don't have to like people but you best damn respect them, they paid their dues to be in the guild too, and have a right to play along side all KGB just as much as you. Some harmless fun is okay if both people acknowledge it as such but if you are poking people with a stick that didn't want to be your just being a asshat. Stop finger pointing, stop blaming, and stop fucking with other KGB. WE ALL ARE KGB, if you want to fuck with someone go find a Hyperion guy.

5. Work in harmony, or work in concert in fights.

If your right on top of a enemy in melee, yet you see Mana Missles or arrows whizzing by your head from behind, where you know there are KGB to be, then move so that the enemy if between you and them, strafe to the left or right and give your firends a oppertunity to make their shots without hitting you. Far too often it seems to me that people are in a rush only concerned with themselves, they get the tunnel vision and drawn into bad situations because they are not thinking big picture. I think too many people want "the kill" and think that will enhance their rep. Fuck that it's KGB's rep not yours you want rep go earn it alone, we work together or we fall together, there is no you, there is us or noone.

6. Practice makes perfect.

fight all you can in any instance where there are enemies to be found. I realize some are now looking into practice methods, cool. But doing it is way more important then talking about it. I know there are a few who are working in game on this and they should be supported, any member who says they suck at pvp, or need help in pvp should be seeking this form of self help. One important aspect of this variable is that while resourcing is good, and so is practicing, however members online should always, ALWAYS respond to intruders, which brings me to...

7. Response time work on it, hone it, drill it, do it.

If a enemy no matter the number, even one blatant faggot shows up, everyone should be rolling, EVERYONE. even if your out in BFE fishing you should be swimming your ass off back to Khosgar, why? Because it could be the forward sign of a larger group, because one guy can kill macroers, because one guy can hide and log out and not be known for days, because someone will be watching us and what we do, measuring our response time, and telling others. We cannot continue to treat Khosgar like it used to be, we've been here long enough now for people to know where we are, and I think there are still members acting as if we are still below the radar. Maybe they know that's not true but they are still acting like it is.

8. Make your ready bags, gear up.

actually use your equipment, especially pots or food. Our enemies beat us because they use pots and eat food, they scout us, come up with a plan communicate work together and execute that plan.

9. Don't over extend, especially without support.

control the engagement don't let yourself be lead around or fooled. Use when using multiple groups attack at different angles, or mass fire ranged weapons at distance.

10. Be wary who you trust.

if they don't wear a KGB tag then make sure to give a person a wide berth, if they have a weapon out be especially cautious. Report anything odd about others, in fact you should always be reporting anything suspicious.

12. Be ready to die, expect it, count on it, repeatedly.

Don't just say that you are and then get all but hurt when it happens, say it and mean it. I got beat down for noob loot by a claymore guy in full gear, and I caught myself in vent about to go off, then I realized "shit Drak, this is just the first of many, welcome to darkfall" and promptly changed tactics, went back out, played around plinking goblin arrows at the douche bag who ass raped me, got bored and ran to KGB city, and was awared a mount. It don't matter.

13. you can't beat everyone.

This goes along with dying repeatedly but just so people understand that even if YOU fall KGB might still win. This is the most important variable of all.

Sorry for the epic wall of text, the rant, and the insensitive words used.
Posted By: Arkh Re: Drakiis List of Darkfall Variables - 04/28/09 08:50 PM
13. you can't beat everyone.

This goes along with dying repeatedly but just so people understand that even if YOU fall KGB might still win. This is the most important variable of all.

And this :
if under attack speak clearly, smoothly, and calmly. Explain and describe all that you can, give coordinates if possible, location, number, direction of enemies.

I hate to ear people saying something like that "Some pk killed me guyz !". I prefer a "2 CO at skellies beating me, I'm trying to parry but almost out of stam. I'm dead. They're going north."

Another thing which happened yesterday I think : PKs attacked someone, we tried to respond but as everyone was rushing no one took the time to make a group and invite people. Dead ones or those who can't run instantly should be in charge of that, and only one must step in to do that, saying it in vent.
Posted By: Drakiis Re: Drakiis List of Darkfall Variables - 04/28/09 09:06 PM
Well I kind of wrote this not knowing Tas and Kay were writting their posts, however me bing in vent when I can, I keep hearing the same complaints, and mistakes being repeated over and over again. I realize the game is different then what I am hearing in vent, and I realize not everyone makes these mistakes, nor is everyone a hardcore pvp'er, however I think if people take a moment to consider some of what has been said it could help.
Posted By: Tasorin Re: Drakiis List of Darkfall Variables - 04/28/09 09:32 PM
I think part of the problem is, you don't have to be hardcore to make a difference. You just have to put out the effort.

Secondly, I couldn't agree more with Arkh about the difference in the ways to call out getting jumped. "Two guys north of town PKing me." does little for me but get me moving ot the North gate while the intel gets sorted out.

"Two guys north of city at kobalds jumping me, I am pulling back to city to North gate" tells me way more and gives me a good plan on how best to vector in to your location and provide assitance. I mean, its our land, our terrain, most of us know the surrounding areas around the city pretty well now. We know where we can come in from and be hidden or them seeing us being obstructed. Most of us know which way there going to bolt after they get done with you. There are only so many ways out of the hornets nest once you alert the soldiers.

Use this to our advantage. A standardized method to calling out enemy around town would really help.

Example: "Tasorin, 2 pk's North of town, at kobalds camp, baiting back to town"

Notice I didn't say guild names, or player names. It doesn't matter to me what guild there in, allied or not, they broke the seal and attacked me. The point is, get your ass off the clan stone and mobilize out into the field.

This simple standard callout is more then enough to send a couple people in exactly the right direction without a bunch of people talking over each other in vent.
Posted By: Syloc Re: Drakiis List of Darkfall Variables - 04/28/09 10:28 PM
Look, this all boils down to the same thing, and its what I've been saying all along.

This is hardcore pvp, we can't be nice about it when we're in pvp. Sure, lets be cool guys when nothing's happening, but when the chips are down, lets suck it up and be disciplined. It's nothing personal, but sometimes we revert to the "suggestion" leading of back when DFO just started.

Sure, but nice about it, but whoever's leading should be an ahole at times, because that's what gets it done. Like for instance, we were at a siege a week ago, and the group lead said "go to the docks so we're not lagged", and some people were off doing their own thing and/or not responding at all - it took him 5 times saying it nicely for them to respond. Then, he started shouting, and when they did respond, they didn't even know what's going on.

This isn't their fault, they have come to expect the lacksidaisy command structure, where you just run in a general direction and the rest is left up to you.

I have never seen a good pvp group led by "nice guys". Hell, ask Holrom, he screamed his ever loving heart out from what I've been told. You don't have to be a dick, but be direct about it. I've heard too many of this, "Oh great, I hate it when people don't listen ... " because the group lead has said this ALOT. You know what, call those names out as calmly as possible. Nothing's going to get done if people don't know their talking to you.

I'm not saying that everyone has to be dicks, but our whole mentality needs to change imho, and people have to expect that if they join a pvp group, it's serious time - not "lets have fun" and screw around time. That, if they are caught looting in the middle of battle, they'll be called out a little. (Not shouted mind you) Dunlop has been starting to do this in coupel times i've grouped with, but whenever he's not on, it seems we revert to "nice guy" tactics - which never ends up in a good place.
Posted By: Syloc Re: Drakiis List of Darkfall Variables - 04/28/09 10:33 PM
Communication, in any competative game, is key.

ALL Players should be communicating two things to their group led, when appropriate.

1) Enemy locations and strength. (ex. I see 5 SN coming from the east)


2) Status of the battle (Syloc out of the stam) or, as Tasorin said, "Tasorin, 2 non-guilded chasing me, baiting back to north gate."

Of course, don't scream crap over and over. And if someone has said it once, exactly how you said it, there's no need to say it again ... but EVERYONE should be on the look out. You can blame individual players all you want for not be consious, but it goes a long way when everyone's communicating to each other, and making sure everyone knows where the enemy is, how to respond, and what people's immediate objectives are. (You should micromanage, but don't over do it)

Bottom line - EVERYONE should be communicating important information, not just the group lead. That's why we have vent.
Posted By: Dunlop_Phaete Re: Drakiis List of Darkfall Variables - 04/28/09 10:35 PM
I'm not saying that everyone has to be dicks, but our whole mentality needs to change imho, and people have to expect that if they join a pvp group, it's serious time - not "lets have fun" and screw around time. That, if they are caught looting in the middle of battle, they'll be called out a little. (Not shouted mind you) Dunlop has been starting to do this in coupel times i've grouped with, but whenever he's not on, it seems we revert to "nice guy" tactics - which never ends up in a good place.

My skill level in "Asshole" is 99.0. It surges sometimes and falls back to 99.
Posted By: Drakiis Re: Drakiis List of Darkfall Variables - 04/28/09 11:05 PM
Originally Posted By: Dunlop_Phaete
I'm not saying that everyone has to be dicks, but our whole mentality needs to change imho, and people have to expect that if they join a pvp group, it's serious time - not "lets have fun" and screw around time. That, if they are caught looting in the middle of battle, they'll be called out a little. (Not shouted mind you) Dunlop has been starting to do this in coupel times i've grouped with, but whenever he's not on, it seems we revert to "nice guy" tactics - which never ends up in a good place.

My skill level in "Asshole" is 99.0. It surges sometimes and falls back to 99.

Posted By: Valaria Re: Drakiis List of Darkfall Variables - 04/29/09 12:24 AM
Originally Posted By: Arkh
13. you can't beat everyone.

This goes along with dying repeatedly but just so people understand that even if YOU fall KGB might still win. This is the most important variable of all.

And this :
if under attack speak clearly, smoothly, and calmly. Explain and describe all that you can, give coordinates if possible, location, number, direction of enemies.

I hate to ear people saying something like that "Some pk killed me guyz !". I prefer a "2 CO at skellies beating me, I'm trying to parry but almost out of stam. I'm dead. They're going north."

Another thing which happened yesterday I think : PKs attacked someone, we tried to respond but as everyone was rushing no one took the time to make a group and invite people. Dead ones or those who can't run instantly should be in charge of that, and only one must step in to do that, saying it in vent.

i know what grp you are talking about arkh. I know you are not singling me out or anything. But i did try to invite many that were rushing to help. I just have this problem of remembering the spelling for every member's name and ally's name. I think we need to get back in the habit of putting a 1 in clan or alliance to get invites. it helps speed the process up a ton on these fast paced rushes to battle.
Posted By: Garrot_Sin Re: Drakiis List of Darkfall Variables - 04/29/09 02:18 PM
this is awesome..everyone is saying the same thing at the same time but in different threads..I am glad we all agree now we just need to get it focused..Practice makes perfect..I might suggest we set up times to organize PvP groups on a regular nightly/weekly basis so everyone can know what and when to expect..
Posted By: grover Re: Drakiis List of Darkfall Variables - 05/04/09 05:08 AM
Posted By: Lock Re: Drakiis List of Darkfall Variables - 05/04/09 06:16 AM
More likely, part of the problem is is that there isn't really a dedicated force to city defense. And why would there be?

Farming mobs solo is profitable. Gathering resources, you're able to pull more, and if a group jumps you. You and whoever you're mining with end up dead anyway.

Farming lower mobs, or exploitable mobs lends itself to being solo.

Response times are pretty bad anyway. I've been jumped in town. "West side, General Store." Slow response. People are doing their own thing and there isn't really much you can do about this. It's a problem that isn't anyone's fault. Unless you wanted to dedicate people to stand on Guard......... (Fuck no)

The majority of people gather naked, why? Because if they get jumped they know they're fucked. Unless you're attended, having a mount isn't a bad deal, but if you're jumped by 4+ you're pretty much out a mount too because they're getting a better jump on you. If you're trying to gather ore for an extended period of time, you're going to expect losses. I get jumped maybe once a day, on average. And only lose out on 40 wood and about 11 resin. The wood axe with it's low durability isn't a big deal. Can always hit the tool chest again. Gathering let's me catch up on paper work, tv, movies, phone calls, whatever. I factor it into my time I'll need to gather. Carrying a mount only makes me feel like I'll be a bigger snag for someone and have them come back.

Good responses have been when we've had a pvp group near by. Earlier today, some harvesters of sorrow and prkl or some garbage were coming in, 5-7 of them. PVP Group met up with what limited city response there was, killed 2 chased the others off.

Working on communication is great, but really, people gathering should just be talking to each other so that people coming in and raiding don't get as much if anything. Cut the losses.

This might sound like a defeatist view point. But, if there wasn't an advantage to striking as opposed to having to react while gathering. I don't think the pvp raid force we have would be as popular if it was tilted the other way.

We also have a few guilds in our city. Who are the most helpful? Silence. Hands down. Why? They're always in vent. Why aren't the other Khosgar occupants in vent? (Permanent tenants, not Stasis)

They might be getting killed outside the city, and not being able to ever give us a heads up.

People losing ridiculous amounts of regs, gold, whatever are part of the problem. But this comes from learning experience for most. The city feels safe. People who die multiple times while macro'ing with tons of stuff that never put up a fight are part of the problem. Need to make it higher risk, lower reward for people raiding.

Alliance Chat is fairly useless for finding out troop movements. You think we'd never get hit from the North or North East, because we have allies there. But we do. The people gathering in those areas should give us more of a heads up, but they don't.

Our West is our biggest problem. Gothic holds people who raid us. Blood has become a bigger problem.

I think... we should start a crime blotter if anything. Record the times you get ganked, clan affiliation, approximate number as well as approximate quality of gear/magic. You could identify problem times, problem guilds during certain periods.

Wait, this whole post is stupid. Here's a gif.

Posted By: ltima Re: Drakiis List of Darkfall Variables - 05/04/09 10:20 AM
i didnt read the post im tooooooo high there was to many words, BUT OMG DATA/LORE SOOOOOOO HOT.
Posted By: Drakiis Re: Drakiis List of Darkfall Variables - 05/05/09 03:14 AM
it must be the gold skin...
© The KGB Oracle