Do we have some sort of policy in place for distrubuting supplies to the new players such as armor, weps and staffs that may have been made by the clan crafters with supplied resources donated into the guild bank ?
My concern is, anyone who is not an officer can not see whats in the clan bank and if there are rank 0 staffs, weps, shields etc.. for training purposes periodically like Heidi and Elph use to do all the time in AoC, throw a link up in the clan chat and say, anyone need this ?
I very rarely see anything dispersed in this fashion and when I do its always the same one or two people doing it.. I think it would be beneficial in supporting our new brothers in game..

Also organizing groups for guildies to maybe some low end dungeons or mob spawns so they can get some well needed drops and gold and familiarize themselves with the area would be a huge help to a number of us myslef included..