I agree with everything said here and Jet has described the "hand shaking" pvp experience very well.

This night is one that should live in KGB history!

In addition to the account from Vyse let me add that Donk and I (mostly Donk) and I think Romeo or Garcia was there, were in the city before Jet started to it. No one has said yet that every few minutes there was a system message that another guild was the proud owner of a new city. My point is that I was very worried that any second a group would roll up and claim the acid city. All senses were heightened as we ran to the city.

When I got there Donk was engaged in a fight with a single player who started to run when he saw me join the fight, bad move. Then we had a group of 3 come in from the West (my first 3 on 3 fight) after we dispatched them I ran West to see if there were any others forming in that direction since Jet and the group were coming that way. 2 more players showed up and we chased them a bit and they got scared off.

So the night was even more intense than Jet and Vyse knew. Although Jet was chitting bricks carrying the city stone, I can't tell you how important that 10k was for us that early in the game with a decent city left for us to take. I don't think it could have been more intense for him.

Seconds ticked away like hours almost and what a relief for Jet to claim the city while sprinting from the group of pkers right on his tail.

This was a night of Epic events. Every passing day in DarkFall just adds to the lore.

Thanks for letting me run with you guys.