Runes being uncommon is why I am thinking, down the road people only having a handfull and using them to recall between safe banks.

A better analogy for SF is TSB was a small group with some ppl from the same crowd, SF itself is a large AC guild. They will probably be bigger than us TBH.

Cross tagging is to have multiple guild banks more than anything, and to make it so when one tag drops a bane, the cities held by the other tags do not also go vulnerable, if im reading the sieging info right.

At start will only spend the money on one tag, until chosen city spot is claimed, after that will start arranging things with additional tag. Basically I envision building a logistical fortress, in other words full guild facilities for weapon and siege mfg, pot making etc, walls and towers and such to protect reagented macroers.. a home so to speak.

Though I suspect most of the fighting people of the guild will spend the majority of their time bound on the mainland with thair main. At least until theres something on the island worth doing. Using guild-bank warp-tunnel effect, things gathered on mainland can easily be shipped to town, and things made in town can be easily shipped back.

My biggest concern, is that if the guild is going to, over a period of time, exert signifigant energy and time building up facilities, it needs to be in the most defensible spot we can make it. Having it off the beaten path so gathering and farming types are accosted less is also a bonus.

This is still open to discussion, but these are my thoughts